Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Inclusion and SEND

The Inclusion Lead is Anna Smith

SEND & Inclusion

Inclusion is at the heart of every decision we make at Stanley Park Infants’ We take inspiration from the Global Education Agenda 2030.  The key features are, 'access, equity and inclusion, gender equality, quality of education and lifelong-learning'. At SPI we see these as achievable and necessary expectations within our offer and so these form the focus for our whole school development, curriculum design and practitioner training.

What does Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities mean?

The Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Code of Practice (updated January 2015) define SEND in the following way:

“A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to made for him or her…a child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she: has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or, has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools”. (xiii and xiv of SEND Code of Practice, Page 15)

For further information, including a list of ‘types of SEND’, please see the Code of Practice (2015) which the school is fully compliant with.  You can access this by following the link below:

Identification of SEND

Any parent/carer or member of staff can raise a concern related to a pupil’s progress or needs and this should be done in consultation with the pupil’s Class Teacher and/or the Inclusion Leader if required.  If a pupil is added to the SEND register, they will be listed at SEN Support level unless they have a statement for SEN or an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  For further information on this please see the school’s Inclusion Policy by clicking here.

Provisional Arrangements for Pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities

Stanley Park Infants’ School pride themselves on delivering highly tailored provision that considers all pupils’ individual needs.  This means adapting practice regularly in order to ensure the most effective approach is adopted.  Current provisional information for SEND can be found in the school’s Inclusion policy and SEND Information Report below. These documents are reviewed and updated annually.

Sutton's Local Offer

Discover the support and services availale for children and young people with SEND in Sutton. The Local Offer provides a range of resources and information about what you can access in the local area. Visit the Sutton Information Hub to explore the local offer

Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)

Any parent/carer or other stakeholder is entitled to request statutory assessment for an Education Health and Care Plan (formally a statement) and this can be done by contacting the SEND team of the Local Authority they live in.  For Sutton residents, this can be done by visiting the following web page:  However, it is advisable that concerns are shared with the school before reaching this stage.

Inclusion Quality Mark

The Inclusion Quality Mark Award provides U.K. schools with a nationally recognised validation of their inclusive practice and ongoing commitment to developing educational inclusion.

On 8th June 2022, we were visited by an assessor from IQM who carried out assessments accross 8 areas and met with parents, governors, staff and children.

Please see below for the full report.